
What is Wishbone?

Lots of people have a bone to pick with Thanksgiving. Specifically, with turkeys’ wishbones. In many households, the breaking of the wishbone either is hallowed ritual, a fast track to sibling battling, a corny rite that Uncle Ernie insists upon supervising, or a best intention often forgotten in the post-feast coma. And woe to the unsuspecting in-law who tosses the gnarly bone in the trash. That only happens once.


How it works?

Two people put their little finger around each end of the wish bone. They hold the bone upwards, making it look like an upside-down V. Holding the bone in that position makes sure both parties have an equal chance of getting the longer piece.

They both silently make a wish. On the count of three, they start pulling until the bone breaks. The person with the longer piece of bone will have their wish come true.

This is wishbone luck! Just remember the wish must be kept a secret
